Saturday, August 13, 2005

Religion Anonymous

Is religion a coping mechanism ...
sort of along the lines of cigarettes & drugs, including alcohol (people who drink because their lives suck, not the ones whose lives suck because they drink)? Since man became conscious of his place in space he's always been desperate to answer the ultimate question ... what's it all about?
What's the meaning of life?
So ... when you take God, and his endless possibilities, out of the equation and chalk it all up to randomness ... a vast feeling of loss and smallness can fall over you and almost suffocate. When you realize that you're not going to Hell, which is a relief of sorts, but one quickly washed away by the cold hard fact that ... you're not going to Heaven either.
To accept the possibility that all those 'goin home' services we've attended all our lives were less about the deceased's unusual 'trip' ... and all about people self-medicating against the dark scary possibility that there's no grand puppet master ... that we are just specks on a ball spinning out of control, inside a galaxy ... in a vast sea of spinning galaxies, which sometimes crash into each other in a cold, black, endless universe.
Shit. That scares the fuck outta me just putting it into words. I could go talk to a priest about it. But nah ... if I wanna be opiated ... Bacardi and a blunt works much better.
And ... I won't get groped.


ShawnQt said...

What is interesting to me is that, like GOD, we all have the vast pontential to to do incredible things... yet never tap into it, or don't even try. We get comfortable in our religions, and thoughts that Jesus will be back and make everything ok... instead of showing love and compassion to the 10th power. We don't have to worry about death to take us to hell, we can create it here. And on the flip side, we don't have to wait for death to reach Heaven, we can create it right here on Earth.

SGL Café.com said...

That's not a bad idea. Tax Exempt status, and the desperate for salvation lemmings, uh, I mean, our flock making our car & mortgage payments.

Don't act like you don't know what the 'Building Fund' is really for.

Harold Gibson said...

Man, I am also one of those beginning to wonder about the Homegoing celebrations. The last funeral I attended, I kept wondering about that stuff. I mean what if it's like before I was born what if this is all there is what if.. what if..
aw heck pass that damn bacardi.