Sunday, June 19, 2005

Dwan Prince ~ Deserved what he got?

I don't care what anyone says. Irony … and a lot of bullshit … are all over the case of Steven Pomie, who was arrested for beating Dwan Prince into a coma because Prince thought Pomie looked cute in his pink wife-beater. Let me just say two things ... one, I'm assuming it was a wife-beater, reports have all been saying that it was a 'tank-top', but I like to think it was a fashionable, pale-pink wife-beater ... because that’s just what every good, self-respecting, Neanderthal-brained, closet-case gang-member should be sporting these days. And two, hasn’t it been common knowledge for years that homophobic rage is clearly fueled by repressed sexual desire? [Insert Wendy Williams sound bite] 'How you doin'?' But I guess teeny-brained, homie-sexual gang-members aren’t notorious for their smarts. It's been said that Pomie was walking and lifting his shirt, exposing his back tattoo, which naturally caught Prince's eye. Hell, I woulda looked too ... there's no crime in that last time I checked, and in my ample experience when a dude walks by and lifts his shirt, he wants you to look. Though by the sight of Pomie's mug-shot (pictured above), I would've left it at that. And when he allegedly said, "What the fuck are you lookin' at?" ... I certainly wouldn't have responded flirtatiously. Doesn’t that strike anybody as a little odd? Allegedly, Dwan Prince, after hearing that, took it to the next level … one which has only been described as a "flirtatious response". This from a man who's been described as sweet and mild-mannered. Was he really that blinded by the 'pink'? It seems unlikely to me that a slight, mild-mannered gay man would throw himself at the first obviously belligerent homophobe to lift his pink shirt and flash some flesh. Are gay men just sex-crazed fiends, so driven to copulate with anything remotely male that they ignore obvious danger signals? And why was Dwan Prince’s HIV status such an important factor in almost every... single ... fucking report ... I found about the case? Is anyone else sensing the media’s oh-so-subtle allusion that Dwan Prince ... because of his insatiable homosexual appetite (which led to his being stricken not only with that disease but with the uncontrollable urge to throw himself at a killer) ... deserved what he got? I’ll leave you with this quote … “It is a terrible, an inexorable, law that one cannot deny the humanity of another without diminishing one’s own.” James Baldwin

But what am I thinking? This is the Theocratic States of America ... where diminishing humanity has risen to an art form.