Sunday, October 16, 2005

Keith Boykin being dissed by 'Rev.' Willie Wilson at the Millions More event should have been expected, after all, he'd just publically questioned Wilson's (and other homophobic self-serving super-pastors) sexuality just weeks before. I applauded that effort ... and still do. But now I truly believe 'Rev'. Wilson is gay. 'Cause only a true 'fag' would be as vindictive and catty to wait to the last minute and say 'you can't speak' with an obvious smirk. I know this because if I were Willie, I would have done the same thing. But for the record, I don't profess to be a man of God. I'm just a proud, run-of-the-mill, tit for tat sorta guy. You get me, I WILL get you back. The Rev. showed his human side, which I totally understand. But he also showed his entire ass ... a fact that I hope does not go unnoticed. I got a question I'd like to ask 'Rev'. Wilson: Was Jesus a vindictive little bitch too? Anyway, unethical 'clergy' aside, what's done is done. I've heard calls for showing up at 'Rev'. Wilson's events and booing him off stage. I wonder how difficult it would be to show up in force at his next speaking event and do just that. But I guess that would be in a church ... and would turn into a melee ... big church hats flying and all that. Wouldn't play well for the cameras I guess. It would send a message though. When I was in sixth grade there was this girl I liked (yeah, I know, pre-boy days ... but she was a tom-boy and I guess that explains it) ... so I talked about her because she was always on my mind, usually in humorous and unflattering terms. One day in the school yard, she walked right up to me and punched me in the eye and I fell to the ground like a white woman in a B movie. She looked down at me and said, "Keep my fuckin' name out your fuckin' mouth." She had a way with words like that. Needless to say, I did exactly as I was told ... and her and I never had a problem after that. Rev. Wilson needs a metaphoric punch in the eye, one that's clearly and publically delivered by the SGL community he so gleefully maligns. And one more thing ... what's with the acrimony between BMX & NBJC? Is it a pissing match with Cleo Manago & Keith Boykin? Is it all over the semantics of what's in a name (SGL vs GAY)? If that is the case, someone needs to bitch-slap the fuck outta both of 'em. Do we really have time to binker amongst ourselves over bullshit? If anyone reading this is in striking distance of either party ... please ... rear back and let it fly. Then tell 'em Taylor says hello. 'Cause right about now, we need to combine forces, somehow, for the greater good. Egos need to be set aside, pants zipped up ... 'cause we don't care right now who's got the biggest.

I couldn't have greater respect for BMX (gotta luv John-Martin) and the empowering work they do so well ... and I also have this hero-worship thing goin' on for Keith Boykin (which some say borders on lascivious). So let's get it together guys ... we've got much bigger enemies to fry. Cleo Manago did speak for us ... but the speech they needed to hear was never spoken, possibly due to the above-mentioned acrimony.

Read Keith's The Speech That Didn't Happen, which is in my opinion was tragically not heard by the many straight black ears that needed a lesson in our SGL history.

Read it. Then spread it around.

In all the drama of today I forgot to say

... Kudo's to Cleo Manago!! We seem to forget that the man just stood up in front of the toughest crowd of black faces and affirmed our sexuality. I haven't seen his speech or read the transcript yet, but his courage alone is off the charts in my book. I woulda just looked at that sea of people and passed-out (like the previously mentioned white woman), and made a big ol' fool of myself. Plus ... public speaking gives me lower abdominal distress anyway. So ... in spite of everything, progress was made in a very big way.


Waddie G. said...

I definitely was not surprised that Keith Boykin got snubbed. I'm not one to glorify people's misfortunate, but Keith had it coming to him with that outing campaign. There could have been better ways to deal with the church homophobia than trying to out pastors whom one has no facts on their sexuality.

SGL Café.com said...

Politics is a shitty business, everybody comes out smelling funny.

It was stupid to question 'Rev.' Wilson's sexuality weeks before expecting to speak at MMM. I supported that campaign and still do, wish they'd gotten even dirtier, considering. But I wasn't thinking about 'speaking' at that point. I wasn't even thinking about MMM. Apparently neither was Keith.

Had that goal been in his mind (and after reading the intended speech), he (hopefully) would have seen the folly of that action. And once the carrot was offered, sorry to say, Keith should have realized it was a set-up to publically spank him for his audacity (to be rightfully outraged when attacked)... while still presenting an SGL speaker as promised.

Also sorry to say, Keith's post reeked of sour grapes by neglecting to mention Cleo Manago did speak. I fired off a few angry ones before someone informed me of that little detail.

But I'm a true supporter. Keith fucked up. Big time. But not for the reasons some think. He was not saying, Hey look at me, I'm Keith Boykin! He was saying, Hey look at US ... the gay and lesbian men you already admire! He gave a history lesson, one they could understand, by pointing out all the people who were, and still are, being oppressed by descendants of slaves.

He fucked up because he never got to deliver his speech, which the black world desperately needed to hear.

But Keith Boykin is still my boy. Watch him dust himself off ... like the gay lobby/warrior kat that he is.