with all its shapes, sizes and malevolent Gods, is gonna be the death of mankind ... as surely as if you'd read it in the Bible (pun intended).
There is a lot of good info about life in the Bible, probably because it was written by scholarly men of their time. But there are also life lessons in the books of
Mark Twain ... but fortunately, people don't knock at my door and try to force
'...Huckleberry Finn' down my throat ... or start
wars over the different translations of its text ... or demean my humanity because of miniscule parts of the narrative.
There has been a debate lately over the tactics of activists
Keith Boykin and
Jasmyne Cannick. Their dual series asked the question,
Are These Ministers Gay? And then advised people to send emails with any info they may have ... basically digging for dirt on these homophobe black ministers under the premise that the bigger the homophobe, the bigger the closet.
In my experience that premise is very sound. But what shocked me was the amount of opposition to their tactics.
There is a large faction of our 'community' who believe we should just grin and bear it ... they believe we should take no action when the pulpit literally spits in our faces.
What type of community are we then, when we refuse to hit back? Oh yeah ... we ramble on about masculinity and what it is to be a man ...
but when the basic, visceral, masculine impulse to hit back when struck is triggered by homophobic leaders spewing flawed and twisted doctrine, we do nothing. We sit back and not only DO nothing, but we attack the efforts of SGL activists who are rightly outraged and just trying to express it.
Are we a community of
limp-wristed, sex-obsessed doormats that any half-assed, so-called, man of God can attack with impunity?
I think we are.
And I also think a lot of us are suffering from what one poster on Boykins blog described as
Post Traumatic Church Disorder ... the inability to see past all the years of indoctrination and bullshit, and to think for ourselves for once.
Remember this irrefutable fact if nothing else ...
Christianity that we hold dear was forced upon us by slave owners so we could be better
'niggrahs'. Some of us, despite everything, are still being
'good little niggrahs' ... giving undue respect to, and fearful of attacking the very pulpits that work tirelessly for our destruction.
Wake up people. Jesus ain't gonna get our manhood back, or stop the murderous rhetoric any more than prayer will stop the next hurricane. We gotta do that ourselves. By any means necessary.
Wake up.
You got an amen on that one!
Go on and tell it like it is! There are truly a ton of cases of PTCD victims out there. People need to wise up, use their heads, and get free. The time is now!
Nice blog by the way.
loving your past two posts .. outing ministers ... looks like im going to have to send some emails!
Call them out!
Excellent post man.
The whole church/pastor thing sometimes throw me for a loop, but I love the Lord. I have my own personal relationship with him minus all the bells and whistles that others feel they need feel apart of something on this grand scale.
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