Friday, October 14, 2005

Millions More March ...

... just tired old-school activism, with new-school self-aggrandizement.

Well, that's the rumor. And I hate to say it, but I agree. The reason its a painful admission is because I truly believe that for some ... this is all a noble effort to do 'something'. I applaud that. But I also know that for many it's exactly what you said, a platform, and a light under which some questionable leaders will jostle for the brightest spot. Dr. King did great things in his day. But sadly, marches and humming religious hymns were fine when we wanted to stop lynchings and church burnings. But even in that environment, SGL voices weren't respected. Does anyone think that current conditions in faith-based groups have changed? No. We still get dismissed with that damn (ill-translated) scripture in Leviticus. The time has come for a new paradigm, a radical tactic that says that we Same Gender Loving Americans demand not just racial equality, not just the freedom to love without sacrificing our rights as American citizens ... but we also demand freedom from oppressive religious regimes bent on subjugating us. Ten years since that last march and the figures have hardly changed. Another march will yield exactly zilch for the black struggle, and for the SGL cause ... possibly even less. But if visibility is viability ... then maybe the public discourse between the Nation of Islam (NoI) and SGL groups (warring BMX-Black Mens Exchange & NBJC-National Black Justice Coalition), combined with the arrival of 'GAY TV' (LOGO) and the first BLACK GAY TV Series (Noah's Arc) all in a relatively short span of time is a good thing despite the acrimony. Fuck marches and fuck being on the defensive all the time. They should be on the defensive, not us! They are the ones ruled by ancient doctrine, half of which they even disgard as rubbish by today's standards. They should be forced to explain why one scripture means so much more than others a few crispy pages away. When they explain their legitimacy, then we'll explain ours. 'Til then ... we demand equality, if not understanding and respect. Screw any holy books and/or people who disagree.

In other news ...

you think Pornography and Church don't mix? Think again.

Check out Porn Sunday's ... it's priceless.


the young people's professor said...

very well said. unfortunately this whole "million's more movement" is a hot mess. period. and the black LGBT response ("please include me in your march!") is just as disappointing.

Waddie G. said...

is it just me or the Million More March is just a waste of time...especially when a militant minister such as Farrakhan is running it? I mean what did the original Million Man March do but just go down in history for gathering so many Black together in one place since the Civil Rights era?