Friday, July 22, 2005

Ronnie Paris: Brown Baby's Don't Matter?

Theocrasies in action:

Jermaine Jackson described the prosecution of his brother Michael as "a modern day lynching." Well Jermaine was so very wrong ... because the real thing hasn't changed one iota since the day Billie Holiday penned 'Southern Trees'. It still involves a rope, a neck, callousness beyond comprehension ... and an absentee deity saying let it be so.

As reports from Iran filtered around the internet of two teenage boys being publically hung for the crime of homosexuality ... here in America, the land of happy family Christian values, where just this week a black man was found guilty of torturing his three-year-old son to death because he thought he might be gay one day ... the top story on Keith Obermann's Countdown, I mean the number ONE story ... was the embarassment suffered by Jude Law when his three-year old son caught him feverishly fornicating his nanny on the pooltable.

Yeah. Top story. And they mentioned that missing blond woman in Aruba. They mentioned her a lot, poor thing, all over CNN, Scarborough Country, The Situation w/Tucker Carlson. I didn't watch Hardball, but I'm pretty sure little Ronnie Paris wasn't mentioned. Nor was the BBC talking about any of it, naturally, dealing with London's second wave of bombings.

Little Ronnie's murder at the ripe old age of three lacks elements to make it a media frenzy in America. He wasn't rosy-cheeked enough ... AND ... his own bible-toting father beat him to death to 'save' him from being gay. In America, as we know, there is nothing more loathsome than being black and gay. I guess Jude's kid will be damaged from the sight of his pops gleefully fornicating someone other than his fiancé, and I guess this trauma makes the story more news worthy than a brown baby getting slapped in the head until he's dead. Ronnie Paris is the newest member of a rapidly growing list of people killed for being, or suspected of being, SGL ... cases which are rarely ever solved. This one was. Yet American media says nothing, it just sits there, silently complicit in the death of a little boy.

Iran is the barbaricly Theocratic melanoma of the planet ... but at least she isn't pretending to be anything else.

If this shit don't make you wanna holla ... then what the hell does?

Everyone who belittles a person for being SGL, hides the fact that he or she is SGL, spews rhetoric diminishing the humanity of the SGL community is complicit in this murder ... as surely as if they stood by his father while he beat him. And it does make me wanna holla ... at top of my lungs ... and then grab my Boo and move to Canada.


But in on a ligher note ... It's Relationship Month @ The Black Men's Xchange.

This Friday Night's topic: July 22 - Boyz From the Hood Date or Dick?

I'll see you there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want this man to be treated like the child he abused so horribly...I am so ashamed to say that I would want to see him hurt in the most humilating sexual way and in public view...this is what christianity has come to...Jesus would have been shamed to be asociated with this awfullness