Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Keyshia Cole ~ I almost wanna fuck her. To my boyfriend's dismay, I've been running this CD since I bought a few weeks ago. Actually, J loves her too ... he just wishes I'd stop playing it over and over like a damn fool in love. But this girl is NO JOKE. Don't walk ... RUN ... and buy this CD. Unless you have no taste at all, you won't be sorry. ~~ tS " ... Like many young people raised in a tough neighborhood, the 21-year-old songstress endured a tumultuous childhood in Oakland, California, and has fought all her life to keep her dream of a music career alive. Now she's realizing that dream on her own terms with her first album for the A&M label, The Way It Is. It's been a long road for Keyshia, but it's her powerful voice-- a bell-like instrument whose soaring clarity is topped off with a tantalizing touch of soulful grit -- that's carried her through, not to mention the diminutive singer's personal combination of sugar, spice, sass and sex appeal, along with a solid-steel spine. "Being young, you have to be really dedicated to doing it for yourself," says Keyshia, who co-wrote most of the songs on her new CD and cites artists like Mary J. Blige and Brandy as inspirations. "There's a lot of trials and tribulations you have to go through to get what you want, especially if you feel like it belongs to you." Within minutes of catching her boyfriend cheating, Keyshia was in her car driving to Los Angeles in the middle of the night to start a brand-new life...." ~~ Read more of her bio on
What do you get ...

when you squeeze the wizened George Carlin into the body of a twenty-one year old gay boy with issues?

You get Daniel, author of the best satire on Homosexuality that I've ever read. I just wish I'd written it. Do yourself a favor, check it out, and tell him how much you love him. I did.

And tell him Taylor still wants to marry him.

Being Gay! Oh, Those Issues! @ Rights Now

The House That Jesus Built ~ Or Taxpayers?

Are pastors who spread intolerance of SGL people living in luxury at taxpayers expense? You decide. I believe it's a prime example that religion is the best business ever. Keep those offerings flowin' ... 'cause the Rev needs a new Bentley. ~~ tS
"In 1995, Bishop Eddie Long established a nonprofit, tax-exempt charity to help the needy and spread the gospel. But it was Long, leader of the largest church congregation in Georgia, who became the charity's biggest beneficiary." That's the way the Atlanta Journal-Constitution began an exhaustive report on Bishop Eddie Long's eponymous charity, which reportedly provided him with at least $3 million in salary, benefits and the use of property, including a $1.4 million 20 acre home and the use of a $350,000 luxury Bentley automobile. You may recall that Long is the pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Lithonia, Georgia and led a march against gay rights from the Martin Luther King Jr. Center last year. The damning story in the Journal also mentions that Long was fired from a job for lying on an expense report. The story continues: "In October 2002, Bishop Eddie Long Ministries notified the IRS that the charity was dissolving and pledged to transfer all of its assets to New Birth Missionary Baptist Church. The house was never transferred. Instead, a year later, Long signed papers relinquishing the charity's interest in the home, making himself the sole owner." A church spokesman said Long no longer takes a salary, but instead accepts "love offerings" made by church members, according to the Journal. Long also rejected old-fashioned notions that pastors should be poor. "I would love to sit with you and walk with you through the Bible to show that Jesus wasn't poor," he said. "I'm not going to apologize for anything," he told the Journal. Keith Boykin ~~ Read the Full Article

Friday, August 26, 2005

Sex Party Police ... or Big Brother?

If this shit doesn't scare ya, I don't know what will. Look out ... the Sex Party Police are watching!! This site implores us to report sex parties so that the hosts of these events can be prosecuted for "pimping" ... and the patrons are considered, get this ... prostitutes. That's a hot one. I don't know any prostitutes, but I think its safe to say not many would pay to get into a sex party. I also don't advocate attending sex parties any more than I advocate smoking or heavy drinking. But don't adults have the right to be reckless with their own health?
Who's really behind this site?
Hmmmm ..... I smell a Christian Fundie. Pat ... you feeble old fool, is that you?
Update (08/31/05) ~~ I talented fellow writer has a deeper, and more entertaining take on this issue @ A Life Not So Black & Gay. Check it out!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Dive Barz & Pretty Boyz

It’s funny how you give in to one bad habit, and then equally bad behaviors begin to re-surface and find their own rationales. A slippery slope that once you’ve got some momentum, it becomes increasing difficult to stop. A year and a half ago I quit smoking, a habit which I enjoyed very VERY much. During that time I met my boy, J ... and we've been as happy as Sponge Bob and his boy Squidy living together in domestic Bikini-Bottom bliss. But I've never been one for too much happiness; at some point I always find some obscure way for fuck it all up. Coming home one day from a blessed job assignment (blessed 'cause I'm always just half past broke), wearing my overalls and covered from head to toe in various colors of paint splatter … I ran into an old, but sexier than ever, bad habit of mine. His name was Tim and I was his first. Yeah, I helped him discover his inner homo about six years ago when he was only nineteen. I watched him approach, through the paint speckles peppering the lens of my glasses. He gave me that smile, that sexy red-headed Latino smile that I fell in love with way back when … and as sweaty and as funky as I was … I instantly knew I wanted to cheat on J. I looked like hell. I was wearing glasses. Double hell. And they had paint on them. Triple hell, fuck! If I’d planned our reunion, it wouldn’t have been on the one-hundred degree day I’d spent beautifying million dollar condos on Jersey City’s waterfront instead of moving in to one. Fate has a wicked sense of humor, that bitch. Still … I brought him home with me anyway. As we caught up … he offered me a cigarette and for some reason I took it. He rolled a blunt and I shared that too. Then beer flowed ‘cause it was Miller time, and I thought I deserved it after such a hellish day. And Tim looked so good after spending the last three years, he informed me, in Florida … getting tanned and buffed apparently. I deserved some of that too … didn’t I? Fortunately, I was in no condition for a late afternoon tryst. Although he seemed interested in picking up where we left off … I didn’t think it prudent to subject someone I cared about to the ‘funktitude’ that must be inhabiting my overalls. Maybe fate wasn’t such a harpy after all. I didn’t jump his delicious looking bones … and he didn’t jump my questionably scented ones. I couldn’t get him out of my mind after that though. I bought a pack of Salem Slim Lights and hid them in the fireplace. I started to have flashbacks of my cocaine days … when the drug and wild sex were intrinsically connected in my life. I craved smoky dives and pretty boyz lounged around pool tables, stipper boyz in cages oiled and gyrating for me alone. I was on that slope … and slipping fast. I knew this and still, a part of me wanted to experience that all over again … the thrill of the high, the passion, the sexual abandon … but not the horrible consequences I’d learned came attached to such hedonistic pleasures. Somehow, I managed to control myself, and that wicked horned creature inside that made me do bad things. I confessed all of to J. He understood and we’ve grown even closer. Thank god for him. Yeah. Thank god for him. The cigarettes are still in the fireplace ‘cause that’s one facet of the tale I left out. I wish it was a working one though, ‘cause right about now I need to burn some shit. The cigarettes … my love of artificial stimulants … my weakness for Latinos--especially the rare red-headed variety … and my tendency to grow bored so very easily, and whine when I should be happy. I think I’ll throw that pack away today. I just won’t tell anyone I lapsed; no one really reads this anyway. (What a curious habit we bloggers have, spilling shit we want to keep secret.) Whatever. I’ll still proudly proclaim that I’ve been smoke-free for a year and a half … and dare any of you voyeurs to say different. Yeah, I’m gonna throw them away today … and if Tim calls, tell him that, like Miss Otis, I’m unable to lunch today. Or tomorrow … or the day after that … or …..
Photos courtesy of ZION fridays @ The Gallery ... (formerly Alberts) ... downtown Jersey City.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

It's in his Kiss.

Is there anything more beautiful than two men clenched in passion? If you don't think so, then you should take a closer look. 1luv from JerzeeBrothas, asked the question ... Do you and your mate still share long passionate kisses like you used to? Hmmm ... good question.

Kiss passionately? Oh yes, of course. As a matter of fact, when we don't find occasions to make out like teenagers in a basement ... then I know there's something wrong with our relationship. Kissing is the ultimate for me ... the intensity of which lets me know if I'm in love or something less. It seems simplistic but its not. There's a connection made, a sixth sense maybe, that says either he's the one ... or just a quick screw. That song comes to mind ... the one from the movie with Cher and Wynona Ryder, Mermaids. The line goes ...

... If you wanna know

if he loves you so ... its in his kiss ....

So true, everything you need to know is in that kiss. A bad kiss would never get you to second base with most people, myself included. But a great kiss, one gut-wrenchingly slow and passionately exectuted ... well, lets just say ... I couldn't undress any faster if my clothes were on fire. Yeah, if its done just right ... the drawers just leap off the body. No lie. So yeah, in order to remain my mate, my partner, my Boo ... he'd better continually curl my toes with his kiss. 'Cause that's what's up. I, on the other hand, always endeavor to do the same.

History Repeating ?

"As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war. God grant that my suspicions may prove groundless."

-- U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1864 - (letter to Col. William F. Elkins) - Ref: The Lincoln Encyclopedia, Archer H. Shaw (Macmillan, 1950, NY) thanks kibosh 1 for the timely quote.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Down Low Guy ...

So it begins ... I've expected Kanye to be added to the list of usual suspects since his ballsy statement against homophobia in hip-hop. And as usual, the lady at Crunk & Disorderly, with her unruly little mind and typical homophobe swing ... provided me this little montage. I got a guilty giggle out of it though.
Update: 8/23/2005 ... A note from Crunk & Disorderly's own ... da lovely, Fresh.

Hmm, I don't know if I should feel insulted or what? My mind is far from little and I'm far from being homophobic. I hope that you don't get it twisted and think that all I do is pick at gay people all day or something because I don't. But if you got a laugh out of it my mission was successful. Diddy just wants to make people dance and I want to make them laugh. Is it a crime?-- Posted by Fresh to SGL Café ... at 8/22/2005

Fresh ... There was no disrespect intended. Okay, maybe ... just a little. I love your site and what you're doing with it ... but the first time I went to 'Crunk', I saw the pics of that reporter who wrote the Washington Blade piece on Luther Vandross, battered and bruised after being attacked in Amsterdam with his lover. Although I could accept your dislike of his article, though i agreed with it ... what got under my skin was that you made light of a terrible crime ... a terrible hate crime at that. Imagine being on vacation and a mob attacks you for holding hands with your Boo. There is just nothing funny about bashing, gay or otherwise, even if the victim is a certified asshole. Since then ... I've perused your site regularly, but always on the look-out for the blatantly homophobic fax paus. As SGL citizens of this country, we have enough trouble fighting the lunatic Fred Phelps' of the world and our own Black ministers preaching hate and intolerance from pulpits designed to teach love and acceptance, without suffering additional crap from people who claim to have nothing against homosexuals. You're either against discrimination or you're not. There's no straddling the fence ... there's no saying ... "I've got nothing against gays but ...." SGL men and women are being harassed and even killed by small minds fueled by this rhetoric. But hatemongers make their positions clear, and thus we know that the only way to pry open minds that closed ... is with a crowbar. It's subtle disrespect that's more dangerous for its sneakiness and ability to subvert thought unnoticed. The little things that average people do and say ... the little quips and comments average bloggers put on the web ... matter a great deal. ~~ tS

The Six Stages of a Gay Relationship

THE SIX STAGES OF A HEALTHY GAY RELATIONSHIP The formation of healthy gay relationships is still housed in a society that is, to a large extent, ambivalent at best and aggressive at worst toward gays. Nonetheless, what follows is a short summary of McWhirter and Mattison's (The Male Couple... - 1984) six stages of development in healthy gay relationships.
And by the way ... yours truly has never made it past stage 3 ... for it's truly a most difficult time (I start to get that itch about then).
Blending - Stage 1 - Year 1 This first stage entails the "unification" of the couple into a single unit. Each man is happy to no longer feel isolated and alone, spends most of his free time with his partner, and experiences strong feelings of romantic love and frequent sexual activity during this time. They balance responsibilities, household rules, and their mutual goals, as well as come to know each others' strengths and weaknesses. Nesting - Stage 2 - Years 2 and 3 The second stage is marked by "homemaking," or strengthening the commitment the couple has. They find compatibility though acceptance of each other's personality differences and styles, strengths and weaknesses, and needs and goals. The loss of limerence (or the "end of the honeymoon") is common during this time as well, but is paired with a more realistic view of the relationship and the partner. Maintaining - Stage 3 - Years 4 and 5 The third stage is when the couple balances their own individual identities against the couples' traditions and rituals. This can be a difficult time, as each may return to making friends outside the relationship, may begin new hobbies or interests, and may want to renegotiate previously set relationship rules. Building - Stage 4 - Years 6 through 10 The fourth stage is marked by the settling of any left-over issues from Stage Three, and the couple is left with the sense that their connection is "dependable" and that they know each other very well. They have established a new balance of dependence/independence and can now collaborate on goals such as career building, vocational changes, and retirement planning. Releasing - Stage 5 - Years 10 through 20 In the fifth stage, the couple comes to trust each other completely, with no need "to change him." The relationship is more likely marked by close friendship and companionship, and greater relationship satisfaction (Kurdek, 1989). Money and resources are no longer shared, so much as simply owned by both. Renewing - Stage 6 Stage six might be considered the "retirement" stage of the relationship, when the couple has financial security, more time for each other, and more time for their own thoughts and activities. While health issues may become more salient, also salient during this time are issues associated with the meaning of life, and a sense of productivity or stagnation across one's life, similar to Erikson's "Integrity versus Despair" stage of psychosocial development.

The Riddle ...

The Riddle of Epicurus
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?

Notable Quotable ~ James Baldwin on America

I love America more than any other country in this world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.

- James Baldwin, writer (1924-1987)

** One of the most influential writers in history, and one of Our SGL Legends **
(Baldwin portrait by Joe Williams)

Friday, August 19, 2005

God Bless Kanye ...

Got into it in a yahoo group over my position on OUTing celebs ... which I'm gleefully for. But this gentlemen was not. Here're my reply weaved with his reply.

I hate to concede a point, it just tears into my ego that I could be vehement about something and yet also be dead wrong. So much so, that I had to let your note marinate for a day ... instead of just giving the knee-jerk, dreaded, concession.

While your prose soaked in my sub-conscious, me and J watched a moving interview on MTV last night with Kanye West ... where he makes a point of attacking homophobia in the hip hip industry. He talked about how he grew up a momma's boy, about picking up momma's gestures and about being ridiculed for it. Then he talked about how that ridicule resulted in him becoming the biggest homophobe around. First, you gotta love his arrogance (it comes from a good place) ... and second, coming from a black man who suddenly has so much to lose, you gotta admire his guts to align himself with gays. But is it just guts, or is it more?

Something clicked when I watched it, something vague, but I knew I it was time to respond to your note.

And, now I suppose you'll explain to me ALL str8 murders are solved and or get publicized; and yes, justice is unequally applied on this world - as any other - but then the cause should be to empower Justice and not un-closet innocents and or persons who have not spoken up.

Straight murders are not always solved, granted, but with the Joe Scarboroughs and Keith Obermanns of the world willing to devote hours of air time for the Natalie Holloways of the world ... they don't need me prodding them to do more.

And there are no “innocents” to un-closet. The very nature of being 'closeted', or on the DL is to be just a little bit ashamed of yourself for something. Yes, I’d happily un-closet them ... but they ain't innocent.

You do not imply that they were conspirators except perhaps in silence. Individuality is hardly indefensible; it is certainly easier to defend that mindless "groupthink." If you find weakazz str8's as threatening, attack always and directly, your enemy. Do not take it upon yourself to harm, by action or omission, members of the tribe - you'll find in that course, you'd make enemies that would not suffer long your presence and you would divide and split rather than consolidate and advance.

I just love your writing style ... it flows so well that it sorta lulled me, I think ... made me completely miss things when I read it the first time.

You like to toss about that word, 'groupthink'. I've been hearing a lot of that lately, all from your sort ... the defenders of the Too-Damn-Scared-To-Be-Real contingent. You all use that word, incessantly, like it’s your baseless cheer. Avoid “mindless groupthink” you say. Since your group, sadly, is quite large ... you might consider taking your own advice.

Now ... this is the part that got to me yesterday. By outing another SGL brother, am I attacking my teammates, so to speak ... am I wounding a fellow comrade in this war for our humanity? Is that what I advocate?

Russian commanders had a 'no-treat' policy when fighting for their humanity, troops either engaged the enemy or were shot attempting retreat (or for trying to blend with the scenery) ... their weapons confiscated for better use by a real team player, a real soldier.

We're in a war too, even you must see that. If our “tribe” members do not have the TRIBE’s best interest at heart (and thus tribe members by proclivity only) ... then they are useless to the advancement of the tribe and therefore what befalls them after the OUTing is of little consequence to the tribe. However, their exposure as secret tribe members, unbeknownst to legions of their homophobic admirers, is a proganda positive for the cause. Paranoia would abound, possibly causing some borderline members to consider going the more admirable route ... speaking up like a man.

Being suddenly OUTed is an awful thing which no one wants to endure.

The reason I understand the 'no retreat' policy is because the ones who flee (or hide) ... will be the first to pop up at the victory celebration (to bask in hard-fought freedoms), like the guy at the office who doesn't do a damn thing all year, but is first to arrive at your Christmas party, empty-handed and very thirsty.

There can be no consolidation between a hysterically retreating soldier (or tribesmen), and one who, though equally terrified, manages to move forward anyway ... and keep his sight on the enemy. Group advancement is clearly not the fleeing comrade’s goal ... so fuck him.

You CAN NOT know who murdered all of your cited deaths. In some cases, they be fellow tribesman and so, should properly be dealt with by us not THEM and they will be but only AFTER.

You're correct again.

I don't know WHO committed these crimes. However ... 'the who' is secondary: the culprit could be some lunatic going around taking out black gay men ... or they could be random acts of violence which had nothing to do with their gayness. The issue here is the mid-set of investigators in a climate that is more and more tolerant of blatant homophobia. The mind-set the says its cool to diss certain groups … ‘cause they ain’t nobody.

A serial-killer can get away with icing black drug addicted prostitutes for a helluva a lot longer than if he took out ordinary work-a-day white women. The mind-set that says some are more important than others is the enemy here. Did the fact that Rashawn Brazell took it up the ass have any affect on the investigation into--and media coverage of--his dismemberment? Did the fact that he sucked dick make his death any less horrific ...and therefore less newsworthy?

And finally, that bit about the tribesmen handling tribemen business is, well.... All I can is I can't believe you had me going for a hot second yesterday. I almost conceded. Shame on me.

I'm tryna remember now ... was I smoking something when I read this yesterday, before slumping dejectedly?

If though you SERIOUSLY believe the voices of str8 power elites to be some heinous portent of badd things to come for homosexuals, you need dive deeply into the history books - the current environment is NOTHING. Homosexuals have wedded far more dangerous climes and not in the so distance past but this - THIS is NOTHING. It is but a cloudburst and we shall carry the day. You cry about rain and seem to forget entirely the just ended drought. Well, you may, I can not and your proposed solution does squat for the katts you'd have remembered; their murders addressed and Justice made triumphant.

You sound like the Uncle Tom sort who opined that we'd just left the "drought" of slavery, and therefore shouldn't quibble about a little lynching. "Rufus shoulda knowed not to look at that white women anyways!"

You talk of the mighty in the closet - I'd note no str8 celebrity making the Aruba case; it be family; you seem to equate media coverage with justice when what you should desire is more effective policing and detective work. You'd confuse, based upon wrong-headed perspective, exactly what the defects are.

Confused? Let's see ...

No straight celebrity NEEDS to bring anymore friggin light that ARUBA case … so who’s confused?

Media coverage, unfortunately, make all involved in the case work more diligently because the world is watching. And by targeting the mindset of America itself, and therefore the minds of investigators IS a way to acheive better police work. We seem to see the same defects, but differ on how to address them. You'd patch the Cog with the hair-line fracture ... I'd throw it away and try a new one ... for the good of our war-machine ... or as you put it, the tribe.

Broken parts will only fail us catastrophically one day ... best be rid of them as quickly as possible. There is nothing wrong-headed about that.

It be homosexuals that do not properly document our sexual dealings and so, who we are most likely with upon our disappearance. Yeah police can be defective but so too how we ourselves would carry our lives. I do not have access to police files and do not know the extent of police work in any cases cited BUT unless you claim the police are actively covering up the perpetrator and or neglecting because of the sexuality of the victim, do not imply that outing and or certain homosexuals leading the public bang-wagon is cause for you disrupting other people's lives.

People who skulk about are most guilty of leaving a mysterious trail behind. Though it is true that we all tend to be more secretive about our sexuals activities ... I can't find a need for this topic, even on the periphery of this discussion. We need to be more careful. Okay. Granted. But lets get back to the ones who weren't so careful.

You seem to think that we aren't deemed 'less than'. OUTing, lets say, Tyson Beckford, would do absolutely nothing for the Rashawn Brazell investigation. You're right. But would his face leading the charge for justice have done anything? I say probably, but we'll never know for sure. So ... hypothetically, Tyson would akin to that Russian soldier who threw down his arms and hide beneath a dead comrade. Once discovered, should he not be dispatched as the spineless 'traitor' that he is?

I don't profess to have all the answers, just some things that I truly believe in my heart.

One, no less that total visibility is the salvation for our community ... anyone who refuses to get his hands dirty is useless and therefore should be dispatched ... publicly ... even if the only benefit is the paranoia factor.

I’m not talking OUTing someone, and then expecting to him to fight for our cause. No. Hardly that. I’m talking about fighting the enemy while sloughing off the dead weight of our own caught cowering like escaped slaves along the way … and not carrying a single one of their useless asses across the finish-line. Basically ... slaying them as we go forward.

As for Kanye West … is this bold social statement one of genuine concern … or the ploy of a wise forward-thinking young entrepreneur who sees the handwriting of change on the wall and is positioning himself to capitalize on it? It matters not. Just having him broach the subject, and to compare it to civil-rights, is a major coup in changing the thought patterns in hip hop culture (which influences everything else).

The end game, our total visibility, is all that really matters.

One way to put out a forest fire is to start several smaller fires ahead of it. As far as disrupting useless ‘innocent’ lives with my methods … I don’t give a hot damn. Do they care about us?

It’s the end game that counts; my way is just one viable road toward that goal.

Eventually, OUTed celebs would become so passé, so been there done that, no one will care at all anymore.

Tolerance can’t be too far behind that ... ya think?

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Religion Anonymous

Is religion a coping mechanism ...
sort of along the lines of cigarettes & drugs, including alcohol (people who drink because their lives suck, not the ones whose lives suck because they drink)? Since man became conscious of his place in space he's always been desperate to answer the ultimate question ... what's it all about?
What's the meaning of life?
So ... when you take God, and his endless possibilities, out of the equation and chalk it all up to randomness ... a vast feeling of loss and smallness can fall over you and almost suffocate. When you realize that you're not going to Hell, which is a relief of sorts, but one quickly washed away by the cold hard fact that ... you're not going to Heaven either.
To accept the possibility that all those 'goin home' services we've attended all our lives were less about the deceased's unusual 'trip' ... and all about people self-medicating against the dark scary possibility that there's no grand puppet master ... that we are just specks on a ball spinning out of control, inside a galaxy ... in a vast sea of spinning galaxies, which sometimes crash into each other in a cold, black, endless universe.
Shit. That scares the fuck outta me just putting it into words. I could go talk to a priest about it. But nah ... if I wanna be opiated ... Bacardi and a blunt works much better.
And ... I won't get groped.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Nation of Islam ~ Not just Homophobes

I've gotten more than a few notes about NoI shutting down Noah's Arc. I admit, the title of my post is a little provocative ... I intended it to be intriguing not misleading ... intriguing enough that people would log in to SGLcafé and hear what I was saying on the subject. But some people went offline, literally, and jumped to conclusions about the show being permanently shut down. Sorry for any confusion. As for the facts of the case as they are coming more to light from those present, it's comforting to know that it wasn't a totally anti-gay thing ... but at the same time, I'm not feeling any love for a so-called religious 'nation' who's members have the grace and comportment of dirty-rag windshield washers (extortionists). Crewmember Michael Elkin documents the frightening run in with the Western Regional Director of the Nation of Islam, Tony Muhammad, and his questionably holy dawgs.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Nation of Islam Shuts Down Noah's Arc

The Nation of Islam's niggling presence shut down a production shoot last Friday night of Noah's Arc, the nations first black gay TV series (MTV/LOGO). Lead by Minister Tony Muhammad, about 150 Black Muslims protested the show near the interesection of Rodeo and 6th. Avenue in LA. "We cannot depend on the gay community at-large to take up our battles in our own community," voiced Jasmyne Cannick, co-producer of the show and a board member of the National Black Justice Coalition. "We need to lead that fight. The Black community needs to see us." That's very true. But I'm not so sure if counter-protests, with more black faces hollarin' about injustice is the way to go. It seems to me that since Farrakhan's recent embrace of Keith Boykin, this new development is confusing to say the least. Furthermore, his statements in a press conference regarding the 10th anniversary observance of the Million Man march confuse even more.

He said, “The makeup will be our people, whoever we are,” said Farrakhan. “Male, female, gay, straight, light, dark, rich, poor, ignorant, wise.” Farrakhan added, “We are family. We will be coming together to discuss family business.”

So what the fuck? Why the protest? Whose the leader of this outfit? Are membership rolls within the Nation in decline? Are they employing the ol' reliable method of appealing to mass homophobic stupidity ... just to bolster its bow-tied, bean-pie-pimp contingent? How low can you go? Or is there something more ominous and right wing going on here? Could it be an attempt to split the black community in two? Whatever the reason, this inane publicity stunt got very little. I say ignore them and keep producing the show that we've all been waiting for over a year to see. Because little minds get distracted easily, and when there's no spotlight, they'll soon go back to doing what they do best .... Hawkin' those damn pies on Crenshaw.

Monday, August 08, 2005

The Fantastically Arrogant Four

Thanks Kibosh from OMAL

First Dates: What's your M.O.?

*** Thanks 1Luv from JerzeeBrothas ***

When you prepare to go on a first date do you ...

A. ... do the traditional thing: wine, dinner, song, conversation?

B. ... do something different like a theme park or other activities?

C. ... do dinner at your place to demonstrate domestic abilities and have more intimacy?

D. ... do a sporting event such as football, basketball, baseball or other spectator sport?

E. ... or a picnic at a local park with good food, wine or other beverages? F. Other (Please list)

I pick E as my first date modus operandi, because a picnic in the right setting can make for an awesome first date.

Among other places, I like Liberty Park ... out on the grassy 'outcroppings' (or whatever the hell they're called), because as open as it is, its also secluded by the vast distances between me and everyone else. But there are also tons of spots peppered through the park where I feel complete privacy while enjoying the vista of the post 9/11 Metropolis ... even more beautiful and surreal for its poignancy. You can also demonstrate your domestic abilities, with a dash of adventure and style. I like it simple. Something like corned beef brisquit & hot mustard, bakery fresh bread & wine. Plus ... doing the 'dinner at my place thing' runs the risk of turning sexual, which could demote the experience to the ranks of cyber-hook-up status (I can be so weak sometimes). We've had enough of that already, with some literally fucking themselves to death. It's time we tamed that beast born of our cyber-evolution. A close second would be amusement park because I love the exhilarating high of the rollercoasters. You get a sense of what a man is made of when you repeatedly flip him upside-down. Gotta be careful what you ingest though ... puking on a first date is always bad form. Okay, I've spilled mine ... what's your M.O.?

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Ghost Boy in a Tree

I’ve gotten all sorts of notes about my profile picture, from the benign to the absurd. It’s not about bondage, or a subtle call to come tie me up. It’s not an artistic expression on the state of black gay men in America (although I was feeling that one). Nothing kinky. Nothing political. Just one image from a hot day frozen in time.
It does seem a little strange though ... but so am I.
Picture it: Jersey City, 2005. A summery Spring day with J and I drifting about downtown, hitting our favorite coffee shop, sushi place, walking along the waterfront ... just enjoying the day, and the delicious sight of shirtless young Latino men in full spring fever mode.
And finally as we walked through the ornate and densely planted Van Vorst Park on our way home, I was shocked by the sudden appearance of a little white boy ... up a small, oddly twisted tree. It was almost surreal, catching him in the corner of my eye. It didn’t even register at first … and when it did it startled me. The tree was sparse the way some are in spring, and one beam of sun caught the boys blond hair and illuminated his face as we passed. He must have been seven or eight years old, just lounging there like it was his living room, watching us watching him. A few paces later, we backtracked because I thought it would make a beautiful picture. I whipped out my camera phone and aimed … but he was gone. Just like that in a matter of seconds, gone … like vapor. We scanned the area, still, no little blond boy. It was spine-tingling and I joked that maybe he was the apparition of a kid who’d died after falling from a tree, and now his soul skulked the park, hopping from branch to branch ... scaring the shit outta people with his vanishing act. Maybe to change the sudden creepy energy I felt wash over me, I told J to climb into the tree and I’d take his picture instead. An hour later, we’d taken tons of pics of each other, clowning in the tree where the boy used to be.
Something about that day was special, magical almost, so the ghostly boy was par for the course. I always try to document days like that, by doing something crazy, trying something new ... or taking a picture or two ... dangling from a tree. That's just me.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Weed ~ News from the Herbal Frontier

Pot … Herb … Bud … Mary Jane … Ganja … Reefer … Treez …. All names for one of Mother Nature’s most delightful of plants … Cannabis Sativa ... better known as WEED (which is only illegal because it’s ill-suited to the economic advancement of the tiny elite who run this country. But that's another post. If I forget ... do remind me.) In spite of that ... this month's DETAILS magazine (with Beckham on the cover) did a piece on Gourmet Herb. It was a veritable, aromatic & mildly euphoriant, POT-pourri of expensive-ass Marijuana ... that I'd love to get my lungs on.
If Robin Leach did a show about herb ... these would be on his best of the best list.
And until next time ... Champagne wishes & Caviar Highs ....
Best Buds ... (according to Anna-Kaisa Walker of DETAILS) While old-school standbys like Maui Wowie and Purple Haze are still respectable pipe fillers for the Wayne’s World set, a true reefer aficionado should be up on the latest vintages. These may seem pricey, but when you’re altering your brain chemistry, you don’t want to fly economy-class. Trainwreck Most popular in Northern California snob circles for its citrus-pine flavor and its “up” buzz. $450 an oz. AK-47 Originally developed in Amsterdam, it gets its name from the number of days it takes to mature, and for delivering a one-hit punch. A smoky flavor with a fast, potent, and clear high. $700 an oz. Jack Herer The offspring of Haze, Skunk, and Northern Lights, named for the founder of the modern hemp-legalization movement. Fakes abound, but the real deal is covered in resin crystals and tastes like tropical fruit. $400 an oz. Strawberry Cough A strain from the Northeast with a fresh strawberry flavor and an anxiety-free high that ‘s just strong enough without being overpowering. $550 an oz. G-13 Said to have been cloned from government weed grown for medical research. One of the most potent strains out there—a single hit gives you a half-day buzz—yet utterly lacking in flavor. $800 an oz. ~~~~
~~ Lordy Lord ... just makes me wanna say, "Puff, puff, PASS ... bitch!" ~~

In other WEED news ...

Canada raids weed party at US urging. Is the United States pushing Canada around?

Drug Czar says Medical Marijuana 'Dying' ... after the Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that federal authorities may prosecute sick people whose doctors prescribe pot to ease pain.

Is Hollywood promoting Marijuana? ~ TV shows are increasingly displaying recreational drug use. Are they promoting it ... or is it just reporting reality?

Marijuan Policy Project ~ Support Medical Use Marijuana Legislation in your area. Because any official who can help bring this legislation to life and yet does nothing, is devoid of human compassion and undeserving of public office. Tell them that.

Marijuana Policy Project New Jersey ~ For us Jersey heads ... keep abreast by joining the email list.